Signs of the Times

Where do we go from here?

(cont. from p.2)

In the light of these facts, here are a series of questions that cry out for answers. Is it possible that God would withdraw His protective shield from a nation whose people disregard and disobey Him, and that He would allow terrorists to strike that nation resulting in death, suffering and great destruction? Is it possible that God would withdraw His leadership and blessings from a rebellious and sinful people and allow their wars to become interminable?

Is it possible that God would allow a convulsive and sinful world to experience a series of cataclysmic, natural disasters in order to gain their attention and draw them back to Himself?

Surely, everyone recognizes that a greater power than anyone or anything on earth is in control of all of the natural disasters we

have been experiencing. It proves that God is involved in our world in this 21st Century and wants us to give Him our attention. It certainly proves that we are not in control, neither can be.

What is the reason Heaven is calling so astoundingly loud and repeatedly with the roar and antics of nature through all these natural disasters?
Is God wanting to convey some special message to the people living in our world today through all of these events?

The over-all, collective message of these various signs is to indicate that God is involved in the conditions of our world and has a specific message for each and every human being living today. During Christ's earthly ministry, he taught a lesson on this very subject which applies directly to our circumstances today.

Look at Luke 13: 1-5,

Reported here, we have a man-made catastrophe which caused many people to think the victims were greater sinners than others because they were slain during the time they worshipped and offered their sacrifices. Jesus said that was a wrong conclusion and that mankind had no right to judge their fellows in such a manner. Then, He gave this warning, "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish."
Jesus continued His discourse by adding "Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and