It is no accident that, on this fifth anniversary of America's worst disaster, Christians are launching their life-changing, carefully and prayerfully formulated program called "Global Ventures for Christ." With each passing year. our world has become more turbulent and our problems have become more complex. Never has the need been so great for Christians to marshall their forces, pool their spiritual resources and lead out in magnifying and esteeming Jesus Christ, His manner of life, His teachings and His method of dealing with distraught, down-trodden, confused and hopeless people. Massive numbers of Christians need to lead the people of the world in giving attention and audience to Jesus Christ, who holds the only answers to our many problems.

Christians have it in their capacity to change the spiritual climate of this age as they become the Lord's committed and informed agents and lead the people of the world to esteem Jesus Christ and hear the message He has for them. Therein lies the only hope we have for a better and brighter tomorrow.

This program is designed to help people get to the heart of our world's problems and discover possible solutions. Our children deserve a better world and so does the next generation.

Please study this whole document carefully because it helps put our world in proper perspective and offers you an opportunity to help give everyone new hope.