About the Coldwater Creek Neighborhood website

Hello, neighbors!

A while back I became painfully aware that I don't know what's going on in my own neighborhood. It's true that I don't get out much! Someone's house was broken into, or someone had a particularly great Christmas light display! Or - as is happening now - some of YOUR neighbors have their houses (and their peace and quiet) interrupted by DFW Midstream as they drill in the power line easement to lay a high-pressure natural gas collection pipe that none of us knew about. Thus the reason for this website.

I feel the time has come for a website for US. My vision is for YOU to send news items of interest that I can put here for everyone to keep informed with or to enjoy, and in so doing transform the neighborhood into one we all want to live in - where neighbors know each other and live peacefully together.

I'll be sending out flyers to let everyone (as far as I can) know about this in order to have maximum participation. Come back often, and watch as this website takes shape!

Your Neighbor,
Kelley Thompson