Found this item in the local Sunday June 5, 2005 Grand Prairie news about Aren Lackey. Yea, Aren! - Webmaster
Aren Lackey
Aren Brooke Lackey
I live in: Grand Prairie
School and grade: Recent graduate of Bowie High School, Arlington
Community and school activities: Band; National Honor Society; PALs mentoring program; participated in the school's "Fatal Choice, Shattered Dreams" program; lector and Eucharistic minister at St. Michaels Catholic Church; Senior Girl Scout
Birth date and place: June 10,1987, in Arlington
Family: Father, Rick; mother, Diana; sister, Kara, 12
My hobbies are: Playing the piano; hanging out with friends, being on the computer, Girl Scout activities
My favorite school subjects are: Geometry and statistics
The two people I'd most like to meet are: Oprah Winfrey and Mother Teresa
I ultimately plan to: Become an elementary school teacher and raise a family of my own
The best book I ever read was: "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
I wish I knew how to: Speak a foreign language fluently
My three favorite musical artists are: Rascal Flatts, Mariah Carey and Kelly Clarkson
The biggest honor I've ever received is: The Gold Award in Girl Scouts
I'm happiest when I: Am having fun with my friends
If I could change something about my school, it would be: Its negative reputation in a community that is not aware of all the positive things that go on in that school.