Sample Question and Answer

We wanted to share with you the first question which Mr. Christian received from a Seeker on the same day this site was first posted on the Internet. Please consider the answer which Mr. Christian returned to the Seeker. This could be a help to you also.


The Seeker’s Question

“How do you know if God is talking to you and not satan?”

Mr. Christian’s Answer

Dear Friend and Seeker:

Thanks for asking a very important personal question. It would be hard to think of a more important one because your whole well-being depends on being able to identify when God speaks and what He is communicating to you.

Satan is actively attempting to deceive people. He will mimic God in his attempt to mess up your life. He will do most anything to deceive and mislead you. So, in various manners, he will try to plant thoughts and impress you by speaking his message to you. He, as you remember, during the temptations of Christ, quoted scripture in an attempt to mislead Jesus and he will possibly do the same thing to you to get you to do what he wants. He is the enemy of God and he uses people to try to displease and defeat God.

Both, God and the Devil, frequently use, it seems, some of the same means of communicating their message to you. They frequently speak directly to your inner-most being. Also, they can use human agency, that is, speak through people. They can use your life’s circumstances and experiences in an attempt to get their message over to you. As your question suggests, there can be difficulty in discerning who is behind the message or impression that you are receiving. For this reason we have this warning in the Holy Scriptures: "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." 1 John 4: 1

Now, let us concentrate together carefully and prayerfully and see if we can come up with some helpful answers.

God's message is simple and understandable. Even a child can discern the personal message that comes from the Lord.

Also, God's message is always an attempt to cultivate a closer relationship with His children. You can know that the message of God is consistent with this purpose. So, the content of the message is an indication of whether the message came from the Lord or not.

If one is in a good relationship with God, His message is always positive and full of love, compassion and joy.

You are familiar with the statement that practice makes perfect. Frequent and regular communication helps you identify the voice of the Lord more easily. Like, you may have spoken to some people face to face and have come to know them pretty well. But when they call you on the phone, you may not, at first, recognize their voice. When you have talked to them on the phone several times, then, you have no trouble identifying who they are. With people and with God, greater familiarity and more frequent experience help greatly in identifying who is speaking. Be sure to communicate and fellowship with God on a regular and continuing basis and this problem of identifying His voice will be resolved.

Familiarity with the written Word, the Bible, helps because God never contradicts the written Word. When He speaks directly, it is always consistent with His written Word.

If you are having trouble understanding the source of the message or the content of the message, know that God loves you and is anxious to help you have a better relationship with Him, so pray and ask God to help you understand Him and His speech better. You can be assured; He will answer this kind of prayer.

Here is a tremendous spiritual lesson that can be life-changing and can really simplify your life from this point forward. This is an unmistakable way to determine what the will of God is concerning the various decisions you will face in the future.

God has endowed each of us with two very helpful abilities which, if used correctly. can help tremendously in determining what the will of God is in each particular situation. We can learn important information using our investigative abilities. Also, our God-given ability of imagination can prove most helpful when used properly.

When facing a decision, consider the various possibilities available to you. Maybe you have more than two, possibly three, four, five or more.

Consider each possibility carefully. Investigate what the situation would be like if you chose that possibility. Project yourself into that situation with your imagination. Consider every aspect of that whole environment and then take stock of the amount of peace you feel in that situation. Repeat this process projecting yourself into each of the other possibilities. Imagine as realistically as possible what it would be like if you chose that possibility and, then, take stock of the peace that you feel in that situation. Then, get ready to take a first step in the direction of the situation where you felt the greatest amount of peace when you imagined yourself in that situation.

If you feel you have an indication that you are to make a decision in your life, prayerfully exercise faith and take a step in the direction you think God is leading you to take following the sign of peace. If your step is in the right direction, God will endorse your action by giving you a strong feeling of peace.

If it is in the wrong direction, you can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God will not allow you to make a mistake, if, in faith, you are trying your best to obey Him. He will immediately act with sovereign power and take whatever steps are necessary to prevent you from continuing in the wrong direction.

We have this promise from Jesus Himself: “If any man will do his will (that is God’s will), he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God.” John 7:17

Seeker, in your question, you sounded very serious and sincere. You did not state whether you are a Christian. If you haven’t trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please email us again and let us help you establish a genuine relationship with God which will bless your life here and now and give you assurance that you will spend eternity in heaven with God and all of His true followers. Let us hear from you again if we can help.

May God bless you as you pursue the mighty and wonderful will of God in your life.

In His Name,

Mr. Christian