After witnessing the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, Matthew began to evangelize, trying to reach other people for Christ, giving special attention to his fellow-Jews in Palestine. He developed and delivered an oral Gospel in which he tried to impress others of the Kingly glory of Jesus Christ, asserting that Jesus was the true heir of King David's throne. Matthew was convinced and he tried to convince others that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah, the anointed, only begotten Son of God.

It was a notable day when the Apostle Matthew, following the leadership of the Holy Spirit, transcribed his Gospel and made it available in written form to the whole world. The Apostle Matthew is, without a doubt, one of the first century's most renouned Christian researchers and reporters. As he wrote his Gospel, he was determined to show convincing evidence that Jesus is He "of whom Moses in the law and the Prophets did write." In his Gospel, Matthew alludes again and again to those Old Testament passages which predicted and foreshadowed the Messiah. His Gospel contains sixty five references to the Old Testament, forty three being verbal quotes.

In his Gospel of the Kingdom, Matthew refers to the Kingdom of Heaven thirty two times. Matthew wanted to impress his readers that, not only, was Jesus the King of the Jews but the King of Kings and Savior of the world.

Having the Apostle Matthew as a mentor, example and model, Mr. Christian, with the help of his research and utility team, is intent on providing reliable, relevant spiritual truths to people who need help in this twenty first century. No one has all the answers, but Mr. Christian is launching an attempt to gather appropriate answers to the inquiries of concerned people.

Christians are being subjected to malicious and degrading attacks by the foes of Christianity in an unprecedented way in today's world. As predicted in the New Testament, scoffers, mockers and blasphemers are making their presence known in a variety of ways in their attempt to cast Christianity in an unbelievable and defensive mode.

Two pointed scriptural entreaties are given mandating that Christians prepare themselves to be victorious representatives of Jesus Christ in a doubting and oppressive world.

Christianity was not founded to be defensive but was commissioned to be aggressive in an attempt to evangelize the population of the earth for the glory of Christ and to work toward the improvement of the whole world. God's greatest instruments to accomplish this mission are informed and committed Christians.

Recognizing that many Christians need help in being equipped to carry out this mission, Mr. Christian is making use of the wonderful tools of research, investigation and discovery to compile and make available information which Christians need. Individual Christians need to have available to them proofs that they possess an unequalled faith that is impressively supported by very compelling evidences both spiritually, intellectually and historically.

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